
Who is Jesus?

Jesus, someone very influential, but did he really exist? What did he do for us?

Lawrence M. Krauss

“Every atom in your body came from a star that exploded. It's really the most poetic thing I know about physics: You are all stardust... and the only way that the stars could get into your body is if those stars were kind enough to explode. So, forget Jesus. The stars died so that you could be here today."

Lawrence M. Krauss Theoretical physicist, Director of the Origins Project.

The Birth [Mic 5:2]

The figure of Jesus has left an unforgettable mark on history and culture. Jesus is the fulfillment of Messianic prophecies from the Old Testament, written centuries before his birth, reinforcing his identity as the expected Messiah. Prophecies detailed aspects of his birth, his divine nature, and his mission on earth. Jesus's birth is considered the beginning of the divine plan of redemption and salvation. Additionally, events such as the massacre of children and the census ordered by the emperor, along with details about places and dates, are recorded in historical sources external to the Gospels.

Crucifixion and Death [Isa 53:3-9]

Just like his birth, his crucifixion and death were prophesied centuries before the events described in the Gospels. Since the existence of Jesus is unquestionable, supported by historical evidence, questions arise, such as whether he really died. There is no record anywhere of someone surviving a complete Roman crucifixion. A medical study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association addressed the evidence of Jesus's death, concluding that "clearly, the weight of the evidence indicates that Jesus was dead even before the wound was inflicted." Even the atheist Gerd Lüdeman asserted: "Historically, it is indisputable that Jesus was dead."

The Resurrection [Psa 16:9-10]

The resurrection of Jesus is a central event in the Christian faith and is based on biblical accounts, especially in the New Testament. This event is perceived as confirmation of the divinity of Jesus and becomes fundamentally important, symbolizing the promise of eternal life for those who profess their faith in Jesus Christ. One of the pillars supporting this belief is the evidence of the empty tomb. William Ward, from the University of Oxford, supported this perspective by stating that historical evidence solidly supports the notion of Jesus's empty tomb. In his words: "All strictly historical evidence we possess supports the reality of the empty tomb, and those scholars who dismiss it should recognize that they do so for reasons other than historical science."

Historical Sources [Jhn 21:25]

The New Testament Gospels, written by individuals present at the events or close to them, are considered historical sources supporting the existence of Jesus. However, other historical sources, such as records from historians like Tacitus, Sextus Julius Africanus, Lucian of Samosata, Pliny the Younger, and Flavius Josephus, make mentions of Jesus and early followers of Christianity. These writings detail events like miracles, death, resurrection, and beliefs about the divinity of Jesus held by early Christians.


The existence of Jesus is undeniable, not only for those who profess the Christian faith but also for professionals in various disciplines such as historians, doctors, and psychologists, who solidly support events like his crucifixion, death, and resurrection. Therefore, the question is not whether Jesus was a real figure but rather what will be your response to this truth. You have broken God's law, and you will undoubtedly receive punishment for it, but there is good news. God Himself made a plan not to punish you; He sent His son Jesus to receive that punishment on your behalf, out of love for you. He just wants you to trust Jesus as your Lord and Savior, repent of all your sins, and then you will have eternal life and be with Him forever.

Blaise Pascal

“All those who have claimed to know God and prove it without Jesus Christ have had only weak proofs. But as proof of Jesus Christ, we have the prophecies, which are solid and palpable evidence. And these prophecies, fulfilled and verified by the event, mark the certainty of these truths and, therefore, the divinity of Christ."

Blaise Pascal Mathematician, physicist, philosopher.

We want to pray for you

We understand that you may not fully comprehend the reason behind prayer, but we want to encourage you to have confidence in this act of faith. Today, we wish to pray for you, and you also have the option to do so for yourself wherever you are. We firmly believe that God will listen to you.