
Is the Bible Reliable?

Word of God, Was it inspired by God? How has it come down to our days?

Isaac Asimov

“The Bible contains legendary, historical, and ethical content. It is entirely possible to consider them separately, and it is not necessary to accept the legends to embrace the ethics. Fundamentalists make a serious mistake by insisting on the writings because they drive away many who cannot accept the Adam and Eve part”.

Isaac Asimov Professor of Biochemistry at Boston University.

Archaeology and History [Mt 24:35]

Archaeological and historical evidence supporting biblical accounts has been found. Archaeological remains of the ancient city of Jericho, located in present-day Palestine, the city of Ur associated with Abraham, some inscriptions, and ancient tablets discovered in the Middle East provide additional evidence of events and people mentioned in the Bible. For example, the Tel Dan Stele mentions the 'House of David,' and the Pool of Siloam mentioned in the New Testament was discovered in Jerusalem during archaeological excavations. Without a doubt, we should consider the Bible a reliable historical source.

Fulfilled Prophecies [2 Pe 1:19-21]

There is an astonishing number of prophecies in the Bible that can be verified. Cases where events were unequivocally predicted, and both the prediction and fulfillment of these events are recorded in historical documents. For example, Isaiah prophesied about Cyrus, the king of Persia, as the liberator of the Jewish captives in Babylon. The book of Daniel contains several prophecies fulfilled throughout history, such as the succession of kingdoms (Babylonian, Medo-Persian, Greek, and Roman) and future events. In the Old Testament, it was prophesied that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem, and the New Testament records the fulfillment of this prophecy with the birth of Jesus. The destruction of the temple in Jerusalem in 70 A.D was prophesied by Jesus. The precise fulfillment of these prophecies should be convincing to anyone that we are dealing with a supernaturally inspired literary work.

Unity and Integrity [Heb 4:12]

The Bible is a collection of 66 ancient documents originally written in three languages: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, by approximately 40 different authors who contributed over an extensive period of 1,500 years. These men wrote it at various times, places, languages, and cultures. Despite these differences and challenges, each author agrees with others on ethical, historical, and religious themes. What is even more remarkable is that they relate a single message harmoniously and coherently. Despite attempts to eradicate it from the face of the earth, it does not disappear. Not only that, it remains the best-selling book in the world. In-depth investigation will lead you to believe that there are solid reasons to trust the Bible and that it is not just a set of ideas about God written by people but the Word of God delivered to humanity.


The reliability and truthfulness of the Bible are indisputable. The message it conveys remains intact over the centuries, and the events described can be verified with history, both in the past and present. But why is it important to believe in the Bible? The main reason is that it tells the story of how the creator of the universe (God) made a plan to save you through the sacrifice of his Son, Jesus Christ. You carry a sentence for breaking God's law and deserve hell as punishment. In the Bible, God shows everything he did to save you, as well as what will happen if you disregard and do not take into account what he did for you. I urge you today to acknowledge your guilt, repent, and believe in what Jesus did for you. Then you will be free from the eternal punishment you rightly deserve.

Isaac Newton

“We consider God's Scriptures the most sublime philosophy. I find more secure signs of authenticity in the Bible than in any profane history”."

Isaac Newton English physicist, theologian, inventor, and mathematician.

We want to pray for you

We understand that you may not fully comprehend the reason behind prayer, but we want to encourage you to have confidence in this act of faith. Today, we wish to pray for you, and you also have the option to do so for yourself wherever you are. We firmly believe that God will listen to you.